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Abortion is one of those words that can send Christians scurrying for cover. We can be reluctant to engage with the topic because we feel unqualified and underprepared. We may hear the clamour of voices on the news, and wonder what the Bible says about when life begins. We may come with our arguments at the ready, but struggle to respond to real life ethical dilemmas. Even if we feel like we have a good grasp of what culture and the Bible have to say, we may feel out of our depth applying a biblical perspective to such a sensitive subject.

Thinking about Abortion encourages us to carefully reflect on the topic of abortion as a whole and consider how Christians should approach this issue in a divided world. With wisdom and sensitivity, the authors help us to engage thoughtfully with our society, listen obediently to what the Bible has to say, and apply God’s unchanging Word to our ever-changing culture.


“Many today claim that unlimited access to abortion is a human right. But Christians affirm the dignity of every human life, for each has been created in God’s image. When Jesus Christ became incarnate, his human life began as a single cell at conception. So God, the Giver of life, commands that human life should be protected all the way from conception through to natural death. Abortion not only takes unborn human life, it is deeply damaging for the women involved. This book clearly and compassionately outlines how we should respond to this great moral issue of our time.”

Sharon James, author; Social Policy Analyst, The Christian Institute. 

“With courage and compassion, and from lived experience, the authors are inviting us to think about the difference between being anti-abortion and pro-life, and between being nominally pro-life but situationally pro-choice. In the context of faith and culture, we see that the timeless challenge remains, the primacy of autonomy/self-rule or submission to Christ’s rule. It is past time for this book and, because both lives matter, I am so grateful for it!”

Dawn McAvoy, Co-founder, Both Lives Matter.

“Sometimes Christian books on ethical issues can clarify our theology but fail in helping us connect to an ever-changing culture. This short and excellent book achieves both. It is sensitively written and includes much practical advice to help us respond to the tragedy of abortion.”

Jon Teasdale, Associate Vicar, St John’s Hartford.

“There is a huge gulf between how seriously God takes abortion, and how seriously UK evangelicals today take abortion. I am grateful for this book because I believe it could really help to close that gap. An earnest exploration of God's heart on the issue.”

Dave Brennan, Head, Brephos Project; Director, Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform UK.

“Many of us are uninformed about abortion and uncertain about how to respond in a culture that has made us used to it. This book will clarify your convictions, deepen your concern for the unborn, inform your care of those affected by abortion, and spur you to contend for change in our society.”

Ian Garrett, Senior Assistant Minister, Jesmond Parish Church.

Thinking About Abortion ~ Dr Chris Richards and Ben and Valentina Cadoux-Hudson

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